Leadership Coaching

As a leadership coach, I help you as an inspired leader to reconnect with yourself, and from there also with your environment and your team. By leading from your inner compass, you experience more happiness and balance. You become a real growth engine for your company and your employees. By connecting with them in an authentic way, you ensure that they are committed and engaged with their heart and soul. This is more important today – in a context of remote virtual working – than ever before.

Sophie Grison - InneRevolution -  Coaching & Mediation
Sophie Grison - InneRevolution -  Coaching & Mediation

My approach is developmental and solution-oriented and based on positive psychology.

That means we are starting from your strengths and preferring to talk about opportunities rather than restrictions. But also, that I motivate you to create tangible changes which are also visible to your environment. Together we raise your self-awareness and I invite you to take ownership of your actions. This gives you more insight into patterns that can stand in your way or those that move you forward. In that way you are inspired to grow and develop yourself.

My coaching style is direct but empathetic. I love to create a safe environment, where you can be completely yourself and open to your vulnerabilities. That I occasionally hold up a mirror to increase your self-awareness goes without saying. But I also add some relativizing humor and positivity.

What if you got away from your fears and dared to go all out for your dreams?

  • How would it feel to dare to be yourself as a leader and as a person, and to show yourself?
  • To live with full desire instead of surviving? To turn off autopilot?
  • What would it do to you if you had the courage not to care about who you think you should be? To be true to yourself and your own authenticity?
  • What could you achieve if you didn’t keep yourself small? What if you stopped listening to your restrictive beliefs and the voice of your inner critic? What if you stopped comparing yourself to others?
  • How would you feel if you relied on your inner wisdom, and detached yourself from the criticism (or confirmation) of others?
Sophie Grison - InneRevolution -  Coaching & Mediation

After leadership coaching, you:

  • Lead from your inner compass so you experience more happiness and balance
  • Live effortlessly and have more energy
  • Are firmly rooted, even in times of change and stressful situations
  • Inspire others by being authentic, confident, impactful and more visible
  • Dare to call out things and at the same time listen candidly to the other
  • Correctly estimate where your team is at, and how your people can grow
  • Encourage your team to challenge the status quo and give their opinion
  • Accept that you no longer need to know all the answers
  • Trust, empower and give your team room to grow
  • Accept who you are, and appreciate yourself, because you have connected with yourself
  • Dare to be you, feel the energy flowing, and enjoy life to the fullest
  • Connect easier with others
Sophie Grison - InneRevolution -  Coaching & Mediation

“If not enough people doubt you, you are not making a difference.”

Sophie Grison - InneRevolution -  Coaching & Mediation

Here’s how coaching works:

Step 1: Pre-intake

With you as a coachee to feel if there is a connection between us.

Step 2: Intake

With you, your manager and HR to discuss the objective.

Step 3: Feedback

Optional: I ask for feedback from the stakeholders we have identified together

Step 4: Individual coaching sessions

Where we:

  • Increase your self-awareness
  • Identify patterns that currently restrain you but that can help you grow by thinking and acting differently
  • Integrate the changes into your professional and personal life by making it a sustainable habit

Step 5: Feedback

Optional: I ask your stakeholders for feedback about your evolution

Step 6: Summary meeting

Summary meeting with you, your manager and HR to discuss the evolution, any additional need for support and agree on your development plan

Step 7: Check-in meeting

Six months later: check-in meeting with you, your manager and HR to evaluate whether the result of your coaching is effectively integrated.

“Sophie has offered a tailored team coaching solution. I much appreciated Sophie’s personal, rational, clear, flexible and empathetic approach. Based on individual intakes and solid methodologies, she enabled a shift in team dynamics which resulted in tangible improvement of the team’s collaboration and productivity. I warmly recommend Sophie!”

Sandra Boel
Chief Human Resources Officer, Ausy Benelux

“Sophie heeft mij toegelaten een aantal zaken op een rijtje te krijgen en in te zien in welke professionele omgeving ik mij goed kan voelen. Hierdoor was ik beter in staat te beoordelen welke keuzes/ opties mij dichter bij mijn uiteindelijk doel konden brengen. Sophie slaagt erin om een veilige omgeving te combineren met een no-nonsense aanpak!”

Filip Olde Bijvank

“The first time I met Sophie, it immediately felt right. It clicked!
Sophie is an empathetic and has a very effective and pleasant way of coaching. During my coaching sessions, my “search for a new career” was addressed. I felt supported and appropriately challenged so that I quickly gained insight to take my next steps. In the meantime, I have written out my “Why” and I am ready to walk my path.
Thank you for ‘the click’!”

Kathleen Van Baelen

“Sophie zorgt er voor dat je meer gaat nadenken over wat je wel en niet belangrijk vindt in een job en op welke manier de work-life-balance in evenwicht kan zijn. Je krijgt doorheen de coaching meer vat op de zaken waar je nu tegen aan loopt en je krijgt opnieuw ‘grond onder je voeten’ wat je loopbaanmogelijkheden betreft. Na slecht vier uur loopbaancoaching bij Sophie, had ik een vrij helder beeld van de weg die ik moet gaan in de richting van een nieuwe uitdaging, ik kreeg handvaten om mijn loopbaan letterlijk in eigen handen te nemen. Ik kreeg ook vertrouwen in het feit dat je wel degelijk zelf je loopbaan kan vorm geven door regelmatig te reflecteren over wat je belangrijk vindt en welke talenten en competenties aanwezig zijn bij jou. Kortom, Sophie zorgt voor een zeer kwaliteitsvolle loopbaancoaching. Ik zal in de toekomst zeker nog met haar contact opnemen, wanneer ik ‘vast’ komt te zitten.”

“Sophie is a very enthusiastic coach who will receive you with a lot of warmth and expertise. You feel at ease with her right away. Together with you, she manages to find the crucial points that block you from achieving what you want very quickly. Her toolbox to address these points of attention is impressive, and she knows perfectly which tool to use at what time. This way you will undoubtedly achieve your goals! It will be a fascinating journey in which you can become more and more yourself and be in your strength!”

Aline De Pelsemaeker

“If you are looking for sustainable change in your life and work, I can highly recommend Sophie as a coach. The speed, wit and passion in which she dares to move you just outside your comfort zone is unique. Sophie offers a safe environment in which you can be completely yourself. Based on her many years of experience in the business world, she works with unique tools to take you on your own unique path. In empowering you to get started with your talents and opportunities and create lasting change for yourself. Thank you Sophie, you are just top.”

Annika Lietart

“Sophie is a coach who offers you a safe place where you can be vulnerable. A place where your feelings, issues, concerns, doubts may emerge. She holds up a mirror in a respectful, warm and empathetic way.

Through her range of tools, years of experience in the business world, but above all through her genuine interest in you, Sophie knows how to make you think and grow. She guides you in a connecting way to be more in your strength and to have insight into your talents and possibilities. I am very grateful to know her.”

Nathalie Cockuyt

“Sophie heeft ons de voorbije maanden heel sterk geholpen bij de coaching van één van onze leidinggevenden. Daarnaast is ze ook met het hele team aan de slag gegaan om de team dynamics te verbeteren. Hierbij zette ze heel sterk in op verbinding, zowel tussen de teamleden onderling als tussen de teamleden en hun leidinggevende. Sophie connecteert makkelijk met iedereen, creëert rust en wint makkelijk het vertrouwen. Door haar jarenlange ervaring in het HR-domein heeft Sophie heel wat kennis opgebouwd en die past ze op een hele fijne, pragmatische manier toe. Ze stelt de juiste vragen en helpt mensen meer en beter naar zichzelf te kijken. Ook wij als werkgever werden regelmatig gedwongen om in de spiegel te kijken wat ook ons de zaken vanuit diverse perspectieven liet bekijken.”

Sofie Van de Ven, Head of HR Benelux – Zurich Insurance

Office address

Meerhout 10
9080 Lochristi