Hello, I’m Sophie

A curious, driven and energetic bon vivant, who approaches life positively and loves a touch of humor.

My American partner in crime doesn’t just provide a safe haven. He also boosted my international mindset and helped me improve my knowledge of English. That proved very useful during my international HR career.

Together we are the proud parents of two fascinating children and one Labrador, who is as curious as I am. Because they often hold up a mirror in front of me, my family challenges me to grow. As a mother, as a partner, as a coach and as an entrepreneur.

Connecting people gives me an incredible amount of energy. What do I do to relax? Travel, appreciating a nice meal, enjoying a peaceful walk in the woods or practicing yoga.

For more factual information about my background, I would like to refer you to LinkedIn. But I already can tell you that in my backpack – in addition to a master’s degree in law – there is more than 20 years of experience as HR Director.

I let go of the certainty, and what I got instead is space to be myself

“Feel the fear and do it anyway.”

After more than 20 years, my career as HR Director unexpectedly came to an end in 2020. A blow, but at the same time an opportunity. Because I paused for a moment and returned to the essence: my core. I seized that opportunity with both hands.

I realized that until then I had been very good at connecting with others. But I had lost sight of the connection with myself.

I took the time to rediscover myself and re-become who I really am. By daring to be vulnerable and show myself without a mask, I found more (self)love, belonging, creativity and joie de vivre. I suddenly felt a lot more space to breathe.

Standing up strongly after the fall – no matter how big the problem, no matter how difficult the situation – taught me so much about who I am. I discovered that I find it magical to give people insights that get them moving. But I also find the dynamics that arise when you bring people around the table extremely fascinating. Whether it’s to enjoy a nice meal informally, or for a professional project. Connection triggers people to reach their full potential. And that inspires me to grow again as a coach.

The end of my career with my employer was the way for me to live with heart and soul again.

I went from stiletto heels to feet on the ground. From ‘pleasing’ to ‘teasing’. And learned to say “foert.”

I figured out what it means to take self-leadership. And I would love to guide you in that, too.

Helping you grow from your strength as an inspired leader: that’s my mission.

“Connection is why we’re here: it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.”

-Brené Brown.


So that you can reach your full potential by first connecting with yourself and from there with others.

I help you break free from your inner critic’s obstructive beliefs to rely on your inner wisdom. So that you no longer live on autopilot, but firmly grasp the helm of your life, learn to be yourself again and realize your dreams.

My biggest source of inspiration is my own growth path.  Based on that, I’m also guiding you to self-leadership. So you can live instead of survive. Enjoy life to the fullest. And therefore, can inspire others.

Reconnect with yourself and therefore also with your environment.

As a leadership coach, I help you as an inspired leader to reconnect with yourself, and from there also with your environment and your team. By leading from your inner compass, you experience more happiness and balance. As a result, you become a real growth engine for your company and your employees.

A strong team proactively takes the time to slow down and reflect. Both on what the team does and also how it functions. And that makes it more effective and cohesive. With team coaching, you pay attention to working together, strengthen mutual connections and build a strong foundation for your team.

As a career coach, I help your employees discover what their talents are, and I provide tools tailored to their situation and needs. The result: more energy, productivity, commitment, and a healthy dose of resilience.

As a mediator, I help people engage in conversation to clarify what it is really about, so that they can jointly come to a sustainable solution. This ensures growth at the personal and company level, more well-being and productivity.

Office address

Meerhout 10
9080 Lochristi