Team Coaching
The need for connection and purpose is more important today than ever.
The digital evolution may be a blessing in some ways, however, it is also brings many communication misunderstandings and more stress at work. Everything has to move fast, and on top of that, teams are constantly evolving. Reorganizations, new employees, departures or long-term sick colleagues do not make things easier.
A strong team proactively takes the time to slow down and reflect. Both on what the team does and also how it functions. And that makes it more effective and cohesive. With team coaching, you pay attention to working together, strengthen mutual connections and build a strong foundation for your team.
“Great things in business are never done by one person; they’re done by a team of people.” -Steve Jobs
A valuable competitive advantage for the organization. A sense of belonging for the individual.
By choosing team coaching:
You build trust within the team by sharing experiences and uncovering the person behind the position
- You create psychological safety to allow the team members to be vulnerable, and you develop skills to name challenges in open dialogue in a constructive way.
Things become clear and people feel involved so that decisions are supported and people dare to hold each other accountable.
You gain insight into the unique talents and complementarity of individual team members.
You evolve as a team from ‘every individual for themselves’ to team spirit and shared responsibility for the mission you share.

“The strength of the team is each individual member. The strength of each member is the team.” – Phil Jackson
Every team is unique
There is no “one size fits all” when it comes to team coaching. That is why we always start the coaching process with an intake interview, during which we try to clarify the team’s development needs. If appropriate, we will also conduct a team scan: this is a short questionnaire that clearly identifies the strengths and development points of the team. After that, I put together a tailor-made program and start working with your team. How long the program lasts and how often we meet depends on the situation. So that, too, is tailored to your organization and concrete needs.
In team coaching, I find it important to create a safe environment in which every team member dares to express their opinion and everyone’s voice is listened to. Difficult topics are not avoided. Each member of the team is part of the system and helps design the next step.

With Team Coaching:
We create a safe environment, in which trust and vulnerability are central, so that participants have the courage to express what is going on below the surface.
By no means do all noses always have to be pointed in the same direction. Revolutionary ideas often arise just when opposing or different opinions are expressed and heard.
We deliberately seek the opinion of the minority in order to evolve from harmony to co-creation. In this way, you achieve richer, stronger and more sustainable decisions that are supported by the team. Everyone gets a voice and is heard.
We don’t shy away from difficult topics.
We use techniques such as mirroring to expose certain dynamics and patterns within the team.